If you've come here by accident, let me explain a few things to you.
The Blog
Technically, this is a blog written and maintained by a (relatively) normal human being somewhere in New England, USA. However, notice the theme, and that my nom de plume doesn't appear on many of the posts or is absent from most parts of the site.
This is because this is a blog being presented as a journal belonging to a fictional character. Do you know this character? Probably not, especially if you came here by accident, because he is a player-character created on a roleplaying server for the MMORPG, World of Warcraft. I created this blog to help explore and build various facets of my character's personality that're difficult to figure out while in-game.
The content in the blog is updated on a sporadic basis; I aim for daily updates, but that ain't possible. All content is safe for work, and may refer to other characters with or without permission. If you do not wish to have your characters referred to and reflected upon by this character, don't interact with him or her; actions have consequences in and out of character, and very rarely will I pull content down on request.
The Character - "Kruega Riverwatcher"
From a technical standpoint, Kruega is a max-level Tauren Paladin hosted on the "Moon Guard" World of Warcraft server. His two talent specializations are both Protection, and one is focused on PvE combat while the other is built for PvP combat. I'm working on gearing him up for raiding as a tank, and being general enemy harassment in battlegrounds. Click here for his armory page, but expect it to most likely show him not correctly equipped for gameplay.
As a character in the Warcraft universe, Kruega is a Tauren from a fairly typical upbringing. He is young and naive, but sticks to the beliefs of the Earth Mother and the teachings of the Sunwalkers, a relatively new faction of Tauren that worship the sun (they call the sun "An'she") and are given powers similar to those that worship the Holy Light (or perhaps this power is one in the same?). He's currently affiliated with the Burning Tusk Tribe, a brotherhood of sorts of all Horde races, and considers them the closest thing to family that he has right now.
If you're interested in more information and trivia about the character, read his article on the Moon Guard Wikia.
The Player - "p0lar_bear"
I'm a web developer from the northeast USA, shooting for an Associate's degree in Computer Science at a local community college. Obviously, I enjoy World of Warcraft and to a lesser degree, writing. I've also dabbled in various forms of programming and video game modification for hobbies (specifically the Halo franchise and the Source engine, and Rock Band 3 for a short time). I live with my girlfriend and her child, and often drive her nuts with my obsessions.
To those that know me from elsewhere, yeah, I roleplay on WoW. Deal with it.