I had only recently returned from the farm above me to hear Aelandir and Pipiltin speaking to one another through the tribal talisman. It occurred to me that I had only seen Pipiltin briefly since my return, and we had not a chance to speak face to face. She was offering to bring Aelandir tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches... having finished my work for the day, I asked if I may follow. I was hungry, and it had been a long time since I had tasted Pipiltin's cooking. I also thought that I should acquaint myself with Aelandir better, for the most time I have been in his company was during the night of the winter solstice. Our meal was delicious, though I had made a fool of myself once, burning my mouth and throat on the soup, then again when I had mistaken the spilled soup upon Aelandir's shirt for blood.
However, our discussion once again turned to the topic of finding a mate. Aelandir believes he loves Sister Illyana, and has gone with her on a date once. However, he was hesitant to admit this, and said that he does not want Illyana to think of him as strange. As a result, he had hidden his true feelings from her. Pipiltin told a story I had heard once before, of three trolls: two males that would not express their true feelings for a female, who also would not say to either male what she felt for them. In the end, they were manipulated due to their hidden affections, and the larger male, who had known and loved the female for the longer time, was pushed away and called simply a friend. He would watch the other male and the one he loved continue on with their life, become mated, and begin a family. The moral of this story is to be honest, and open with others about how you feel for them. Pipiltin then suggested that Aelandir write a letter to Illyana, to tell her how he truly felt. He seemed very uncomfortable with the thought, and Pipiltin would serve only to embarrass him further through the talisman when Illyana had awoken. Fortunately, Illyana did not seem disturbed by this. Aelandir seemed relieved, somewhat.
Then, Aelandir turned the topic to myself, and Maengun. I was asked if I considered Maengun to be a potential mate. I was surprised, and found myself feeling as umcomfortable as he. But unlike him, I do not love Maengun as a mate. She is a good friend, as are Annjia and Nemeiah. Though, perhaps I am somewhat closer to Maengun than others. She had saved my life, before. It was suggested that I write a letter to her as well, to explain how I feel. I thought it unnecessary, as I am sure she knows how I feel, but on the other hand I believed that it would not cause any harm. Pipiltin also gave us boxes of chocolate truffles, filled with caramel, and told us to send them to those we were writing to. For a moment, I was hesitant to accept them... I am aware that a gift of chocolate is commonly sent as an expression of love. I took them only because Pipiltin insisted, and she is not one to cross.