After the tour Sunday, I had travelled to Orgrimmar and found Mukwa and Pipiltin under the usual tree. Pipiltin ran off shortly after I had arrived, but Mukwa asked for me to stay so he could test a newer potion of his. Unable to assist in any other way, I stayed with him; I was uncomfortable with the effects of his last potion, so he told me I wouldn't have to test this one. Upon drinking it, Mukwa addressed me sternly and assured me that he was well. I was surprised, until I remembered why I was watching him.
The potion worked, and Mukwa was deep in thought. He spoke carefully and with more weight on his words than before. I am happy to see that the potion was successful, however I am worried. Normally, Mukwa is cheerful and capable of only thinking of the moment, but with the ability to see more than he was usually able to, he became troubled by his short memory, and regretful of his actions. He spoke of his mind being destroyed... what I was told about his druidic powers causing this was a myth. He told me, while it was understandable to assume this, it was not the cause of his condition. I tried to assure him that he should not be ashamed of himself, and again apologized for being unable to do anything else for him.
During this, Aevelina approached us. She seemed ill, but assured me she was fine. I was growing tired and asked Aevelina to stay with Mukwa in my stead, afraid that I would fall asleep and leave Mukwa without the vigil he asked for. She told me I could go, and I left her with An'she's blessing, to strengthen her if she was indeed ill.
To tell the truth, I am not sure if Mukwa's pursuit of his lost memory is wise. His regret for his actions and sadness in knowing that there was lost memory suggests to me that maybe it is something that should not be found. This... is not my decision, though. I will tell him of my concern next time I see him, but I am willing to help him in any way I can. May An'she bless him, and the Earth Mother watch over him.