Before I knew of the Burning Tusks, I had sought out family in Mulgore upon returning to the Barrens and being unable to find my birth tribe. I was accepted into the Stonecalf Tribe, and it was there that I met Theran. He was an elder Sunwalker, and as I have said before, my former mentor. During my time with the Stonecalves, Theran personally taught me many things about An'she, and my power, that I did not know. With his aid I was able to realize my potential and work towards it more clearly; I was gifted an ornate, yet effective greatsword, for my progress. It is in my care to this day.
He was a kind bull, but very strict and honor-bound. I was once reprimanded by him for walking around Orgrimmar without my vest; he was afraid that I would dishonor the Stonecalves by showing my body. I did not understand why he thought this at the time, but now I see why, especially after seeing the reactions of those around me when I had lost most of my clothing in Elwynn Forest, and I had returned to the orc city to find a Burning Tusk. There are too many that think one's body is something to be hidden.
My greatest regret is that I had lost contact with Theran following the disappearance of the Stonecalf Tribe. It wasn't until a month ago that I would see him again... dead. I had returned to the Stonecalves' home in the mountains surrounding Mulgore, as I usually do to see if anyone had decided to do the same. I found an orc and two goblins there, and while apprehensive at first, I noticed they stood around his body, performing a Shu'halo death ritual for him. My heart grew heavy... Urukha and Kazak'guul have both told me that I should not feel so, as my presence may not have saved him. But I still wish I had spent a little more time with him, as I cannot now. His brothers-in-arms and I had laid his body to rest at Red Rocks, and his spirit appeared before us. I was thanked for being there, even if only for a little time.
Recalling these events burdens my heart again, and I must gather things for Theran's grave at the tribe's burial ground. I had visited his grave finally, but his body was missing. I am puzzled, and I wonder if Kazak'guul has found his spirit yet. The urge to drink grows stronger... I must meditate. Alcohol would only numb my sadness for a short time. An'she, I pray to you to grant me the strength I need to carry this weight on my heart.