Upon my return, I found an invitation to a gathering, from Westlynn. I learned from Urukha that she is no longer our Regent, and had left to pursue other interests. She is still family to me, and I was happy to receive this letter. Unfortunately, the Regent Westlynn could not come to this gathering; I would learn later from Annjia that Westlynn's blood sister was ill.
The gathering was pleasant despite this, and that almost everyone at this "Festi-ball" was elven. I spent much of the night trading stories with a taunka bull of the Argent Crusade, and trying to learn more about the Warchief and Pandaria through discussion with a troll, who appeared to have been a friend of the taunka. I had tried new foods last night; I believe the feast offered to us was food prepared in Pandaren ways. It was tasty, and unlike anything I have had before. As the night came to a close, we were asked to prepare Winter Veil stories, and there was an exchange of gifts. It was clear that the gathering did not expect larger guests, such as myself or the taunka. I was unable to pour a cup of tea for myself, as the cup was much to small and it slipped from my fingers. During the gift exchange, I was given a robe meant for an elf. Fortunately, the troll would give me a flask to pour the tea into, and one of the other guests offered to trade to me her silkworm in exchange for the robes.
The taunka had asked me at one time, if the feast of Winter Veil was a celebration rooted in my culture. I had told him that he was correct. The feast is held each year to welcome the coming of life anew. The lands sleep under a blanket of snow and ice, and in this time we are able to consider and give thanks for what we have gained, lost, or still hold dear. He then joked that, if his people knew of this holiday, perhaps every day would be a celebration of Winter Veil.