Our Tuskguard is led by Jindal. He is our General. I do not know this shu'halo very well, for I have not had much chance to speak with him. But I do know that he has been with the tribe for a very long time, and in the times I have seen him, he is very focused on his duties.
I write this because he came before us this past Thursday, and told us of something that many of us did not know, for he does not speak much of his own troubles. He had been unable to come to terms with the death of his mate, Dustrunner, and yesterday, he held a funeral for him. I did not know him, but I am aware that he was a Burning Tusk, and I wished to pay my respects for a fallen Brother. Pipiltin and the General shared stories of Dustrunner, and I wished I had been able to meet him. He was a true Burningtusk from what I have heard, and I pray that he walks with the Earth Mother, now.
I also pray that the General is able to move on, and begin healing. He says he does not wish to trouble us with his problems, but I will let him know that I am willing to listen, should there be something troubling him. I do not know if I would be able to help, but I may try.