I am not well.
Two nights ago I was called by Ferak with good news: he had found a way to remove the pendant from my neck. He asked me to meet him in Storm Peaks, so I gathered the armor Pipiltin created for me when I had told her I was following the Earth Mother to Northrend. Ferak used the power of the talisman to summon me to his location quickly, and we began to talk.
Quickly, things turned grim. I heard the whispers again, and ignored them... however Ferak was affected. Perhaps he had been under Yogg-Saron's influence the entire time... I do not know. He told me the solution was simple, and then suddenly attacked me: I was to die, and the pendant would be unbound from me. We exchanged blows... I did not wish to fight him. I blinded him temporarily and ran for cover, to summon help. I called out to the tribe through the talisman... Westel, Zeyda'lei, and Gurdijef came to my aid, and were able to subdue Ferak and bring him to his senses.
While in hiding, I noticed that the blood seeping from my wounds was black. This frightened me. We were taken to a nearby camp to be mended and explain what had happened. Nobody could tell us what the black blood meant, and we decided it best that Ferak and I be secluded and separated from each other, should this be a disease that can spread through touch or breath. I am resting alone in my own camp in northern Mulgore, and Zeyda'lei has volunteered to keep watch over me and ensure I stay well.
Ferak said that he did find some kind of solution for the pendant that did not involve my death, and the others have agreed to rally the tribe this coming Saturday to do this cleansing. I pray to the Earth Mother that this will be the solution to our problems... today I have not felt well and the visions are becoming worse again.