At last, the madness has ended.
On Saturday night, our tribe had traveled to the temple of Ahn'Qiraj to perform a ritual to cleanse the pendant, and ourselves, of Yogg-Saron. The expedition was a success, but it had taken quite a toll on everyone. I do not wish to recall what I have experienced, even in the privacy of my journal... just that a few of us had nearly died.
Nonetheless, the visions and whispers have ended, my blood has returned to its normal color, and I am no longer wracked with a stinging pain that came in waves. I believe the others have also been cured of any affliction, but I am not without worry. Aevelina was among the group, and when I learned of this at the start, I expressed my concern for the safety of her and her unborn child. She replied that she was aware of the dangers we were to face and that she wished to help the tribe be rid of this curse, but after the things I have experienced, I do not think I could forgive myself if something were to befall the child before its birth. I pray the Earth Mother cares for the child in the womb, and that it be protected from harm.
I have not seen anyone since that night... in fact, I have only encountered Annjia since then. I must find the others soon.