Tuesday, June 18

Saekwa Cloudseeker

I had met Sister Saekwa at our tribe's tavern night, not long after I had been invited into the tribe as an initiate. She had seemed to wander away from us for some time, but returned to us while I was exploring Pandaria. She is a shu'halo tracker with brown fur and never without her companion, a white wolf named A'hok. I had known her to be quiet around others, and A'hok to be very protective of her in the beginning, but both her and A'hok seem to welcome, and enjoy my company in recent times.

I came upon her one night not long ago with a bull I did not recognize in Ratchet. He was performing a healing ritual with her, for a scar she bears on her shoulder. It causes her pain to this day, and at times she is unable to use her arm because of it. I tried to soothe the wound long ago with An'she's warmth, but I could not help. She says that the pain may be caused by past trauma. I was unhappy to hear that Saekwa held onto such a thing, but did not wish to pry. I thanked him for helping her, and we returned to the Ravine.

She had held onto my arm and leaned on me for most of the way home. I was at ill ease, but did not say anything as I wished her to feel at ease. I pray that nobody had seen us like this... I do not want others to believe that we are together, like that. There was a time when I had thought, perhaps, I might have seen Saekwa as a potential mate. I had forgotten this in her absence, but was reminded of it while we traveled home, and it made me feel even less comfortable. Maengun is my mate. I love her with my whole heart. There is no one else, and I do not want there to be another.

When we had returned home, we sat by the bonfire to talk, and relax. I brought my pipe, and the herbs I use for smoking. Saekwa had not smoked, before, so I taught her how to smoke my pipe. It was amusing to watch her... she had first tried to swallow her smoke, then when she tried again, she made many strange noises. I could not help but laugh... in turn she had thought my laughing sounded strange, and she laughed, too, and we could not stop. I did not expect this to happen, as I usually smoke my pipe while alone.