Tuesday, May 22


The Burning Tusks often consider outsiders to be a part of them, though they do not undergo the rites and rituals than an initiate must to become a tribesmate, and they are not given a talisman. Annjia is one of these people. She is a elven death knight, and a good friend of the tribe. As with other elves, I can smell the taint of the arcane on her spirit, however it is not as strong as it is on others. There is also another strange and unpleasant scent that comes from her spirit, but I have not sensed this on anyone else yet, and do not know what it could be.

In the beginning, I felt uneasy around Annjia. She often wears a set of black platemail armor and speaks softly... I am ashamed to admit it, as I am larger than her, but I was intimidated in her presence. I had also made a foolish assumption about her shortly after we had met, based on what I was told by a shu'halo death knight long ago, and thought I had offended her. However, as time passed, I had noticed that she was seen as a friend to the tribe, and I found it easier to speak to her. We talk of many things, and she appears to have knowledge of shu'halo customs, as she did not require me to explain things that I often must to others, such as An'she and the Earth Mother. She is the first and only person to call me "Sunwalker" as if it were my name. It is strange, but I do not mind... I am a Sunwalker.

Annjia is also acquainted with Nemeiah, something I was pleasantly surprised to find out, and Annjia thanked me for going with Nemeiah to Hearthglen last week. I learned through Annjia that there is trouble at Tyr's Hand, and Nemeiah does not want Annjia to visit until the problem is taken care of. I wish to help, but Annjia told me that I should not, as Nemeiah does not want harm to come to either of us... I will be told when it is safe. I pray that no harm comes to her as well... Earth Mother, please watch over Nemeiah, and the people of Tyr's Hand.

Nemeiah spoke to Annjia of our walk to Hearthglen, and this led to talking about the Plaguelands and their recovery. She has an interest in a certain flower that is said to grow in the Plaguelands, called "Arthas's Tears." Annjia described it as a purple flower, much similar in appearance to another lily that grows in that forest. I told her that I plan to visit Silvermoon occasionally, and I would not mind searching the Plaguelands for this flower if time permits. Perhaps I might find out more about this flower in the elven city, as well...