Wednesday, May 30


I cannot recall the last time I had looked forward to sleep as much as I had, or feeling as though I had been reborn in the night.

Yesterday, Annjia warned not to go to Tyr's Hand... I was not certain, but she appeared to be covered in blood and entrails. I thanked her and retreated to search for some peace, to Urukha's dismay. Today, Urukha called upon me to speak of matters regarding Annjia and Nemeiah, and forbade me outright from going. Around this time, she appeared again, behind Urukha. She took the form of Pipiltin, and stared. She said nothing, and started to sharpen an axe. Urukha grabbed my attention again and Pipiltin... no, the val'kyr... disappeared. Shortly after, though, she appeared again and descended upon the pond we had stood by, a bow and arrow in her hand. She took aim, and fired... I felt a sharp pain in my chest, and I collapsed.

Urukha called for help, and Pipiltin answered swiftly. Pipiltin said she could feel a strong spirit within the pendant, and the three of us flew on her drake to Winterspring. She performed some kind of ritual to draw this spirit from the necklace... the voices and apparitions ceased, though I could see it took a toll on her. We were brought back to the Ravine through the talisman's summoning magic, and Urukha made sure, again, that I safely made it into a bed in the Commons.

Once again, I am thankful to be surrounded by others willing to ensure I am safe. I do hope I am not becoming a burden...