Wednesday, August 22

Extended Hiatus #1

Hello, readers. Or probably... reader. Singular. Or nobody. Since this blog loves to get hit by affiliate spammers on occasion, I neither know, nor care, if this blog has a regular reader base. Ignoring hit stats and closing comments to outsiders really helps me keep this blog on it's initial track and sole purpose: to relay and reflect upon things happening around my character, and develop him further outside of the game.

Oh yeah, the game. My subscription to World of Warcraft just closed. For now, I'm not renewing on account of the fall semester at my community college starting up. Last semester I tried keeping an active sub while classes were in session... let's just say that didn't turn out so well.

Kruega may return in December-January, during the short winter intersession, if things are smooth here and Christmas doesn't kick my ass like it did last year. Otherwise, I'm out until April/May. To my friends in game on Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord: keep up the good RPin' and have fun with Pandaria.